All hinging and guide issues are handled directly through our supplier, Blum. Blum products are covered by a limited warranty.
Either the end user or dealer will need to ship the damaged hardware back to Blum. They require the Blum name to be visible somewhere on the broken part as they only send replacements for original parts they can confirm Blum manufactured. In addition, they charge a $12 processing fee on all replacements. Blum will inspect the damage to parts shipped to them. They will replace the product at their discretion if it proves to be a manufacturing defect or failure.
You can access all the information you need for your replacement or warranty item on their webpage. Blum provides step-by-step instructions on how to begin the replacement process either via email or mail as well as providing access to their Customer Service team and their official warranty and replacement policies.

Contact Us
Right here in the Heartland of America, Dutch Made was founded on hard work and integrity. Calloused hands and long days. Pride in building quality products. Whether you are looking to become a dealer or find a designer, we are committed to bringing your vision to life.